Hello,Happy eid al fitr for you who celebrate it.If you have a business relationship with indonesia,espescially on kratom business,you will notice on your partner timeline saying
“Happy ied” or “Selamat idul fitri”
On this article i want to tell what it’s mean,what essence behind eid al fitr and what we do for celebrating eid al fitr
Eid al fitr are muslim celebration after fasting for 30 days. All Muslims fast on daily basis every year in the holy month of Ramadhan from dawn to the dusk. Fasting involves abstaining from beverages, food and sexual relations. By withholding from some of the carnal and basic desires and needs, Muslims develop self-discipline or self-control: the ability to prevent from doing something one deeply and intensely desire, purely out of compliance to the Creator.
This month-long exercise of fasting helps in developing and strengthening to live a life of wholesomeness and obedience to Almighty God regardless of the lure towards sin. Those people who are sick, traveling, and elderly or women who are nursing and pregnant are allowed to break the fast and cover up the missed days of Ramadhan at some later time. If they are incapable to do this later, they must provide food to a needy one for every missed day.
After 30 days of fasting,they celebrate it,born like new baby,become better humans beings.
Tradition in Indonesia
Every country has their own tradition when celebrating eid al fitr,but generally its all the same. First after we pray,we will visit our neighbour to wish and greet them a Happy Eid also to ask for forgiveness if any mistake we made
After that,young families will visit their old families,we gather on old families home.No matter where you located,you will miss your home,and get back to home before eid al fitr. Celebrating with big family,is priceless 🙂
We call this activity as “Mudik”
From the deep of my heart , we are big family of , we ask for your apology if we made some mistake or we not serve you properly
We wish you all the best , stay healthy and enjoy your life
God bless you