Showing 13–20 of 20 results


Brown Kratom strain made from fermented red vein powder. Fermentation is the natural process during which the leaves' alkaloid content gets shaken up a little. In addition to this, the leaf characteristics such as flavor, aroma, and of course color are developed during this process. I am sure you know steak. There are raw, half-done, and well-done. Brown strains are well-done fermented strains while bentuangie is half done Please don't use this strain raw, this strain works as a mixture

Red Horn

Rated 0 out of 5
Horn strain made from kratom leaf with horn, its very rare, we found it deep of the Borneo jungle , and we must cross the river to take it, that's why the price more expensive than the other strain It is a finely ground powder of the red vein Kratom’s leaves which are carefully selected for use.

Super Red Borneo


Super Red Borneo Kratom  Bitter taste but is very useful for relaxing and chilling out in higher doses, nice and stimulating at lower doses

This is much stronger than the red vein. Taken from the top of a tree on the deep jungle of Borneo , super red provides you different experience than red

Red Malay

Rated 0 out of 5

Red Malay kratom is high alkaloid Kratom strain found in certain jungle regions of Borneo's old-growth forests.

Red Bali

Red Bali kratom is very popular for its pain-relieving properties. It also provides a relaxing and sometimes sedating feeling It is said to provide more pain relief than the Whites and Greens without the surge of energy they can provide which makes it an all-around great strain for the end of the day
Items available:146

Red Borneo

A high alkaloid Kratom strain is found in certain jungle regions of Borneo's old-growth forests.  Bitter taste but is very useful for relaxing and chilling out in higher doses, nice and stimulating at lower doses Effect: Very Sedative, Euphoria, Medium Pain Relief  "Fly without weeds"

Red Sumatera


A high alkaloid Kratom strain is found in certain jungle regions of Sumatra, and old-growth forests.

Bitter taste but is very useful for relaxing and chilling out in higher doses, nice and stimulating at lower doses

Red Maeng Da


Known for its increasingly powerful mood-enhancing effects and energy, many find the Maeng Da Kratom strain to be more stimulating than others. The effects of this strain are much different than others and many find them to be very powerful. It can often be compared to certain types of nootropics for its ability to make a user feel more awake, alert, and focused

Effect: High Pain Relief Effect , Sedative, Euphoria 

"Due to its powerful effect, always start from a small dose"