Showing 37–48 of 51 results

RGI Origin Kratom

Rated 0 out of 5
RGI is a kratom harvested from Rangga Ilung village, Central Borneo RGI Kratom is considered a strong energizing kratom and very long-lasting -based on our local customer reviews- It’s similar to White strains like White Malay, Super White, etc RGI is a part of our ORIGIN KRATOM series

Bahuang Origin Kratom

Rated 0 out of 5
Bahuang is a kratom harvested from Bahuang village, Central Borneo Bahuang Kratom is considered a very strong kratom -based on our local customer reviews- It's similar to Bali Gold and Green MD Bahuang is a part of our ORIGIN KRATOM series

Green Jongkok

Rated 0 out of 5

This strain was taken from Jongkok, a village located in West Borneo states Jongkok kratom characteristic is more energizing than Kasongan kratom

Red Jongkok

Rated 0 out of 5

This strain was taken from Jongkok, a village located in West Borneo states Jongkok kratom characteristic is more energizing than Kasongan kratom

Green Dragon

Rated 0 out of 5

Green strains are notorious for being uplifting and energizing. Drinking your greens is what we like to say here. The green strains are excellent for motivation and getting things done.

Green Dragon is the strain of kratom leaf which is believed to be a relaxing, energetic solution for getting relief from pain and actually a new version of Green Malay powder and an expensive as well

Effect: High Pain Relief, Sedative, Euphoria

“Due to the powerful effect of this strain, always start from a small dose”

Green Elephant

Rated 0 out of 5

Green Elephant Kratom Powder is a premium kratom strain that gets its name from the giant leaves of the kratom plant.  Green elephant kratom provides sedating effect, high pain relief properties, and euphoria

Red Elephant

Rated 0 out of 5

Red Elephant Kratom Powder is a premium kratom strain that gets its name from the giant leaves on the kratom plant.

This strain has been specifically called out to help with social anxiety, and give you a good overall feeling of well-being.  Try it out!

White Bali

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White Bali kratom effects are both relaxing as well as energizing. Higher doses of Bali kratom tend to be more relaxing, while lower doses produce stimulating effects.

For a new user, the kratom effects can last around 5-6 hours. Experienced users may feel the effects for around 3 hours.

White Horn

Rated 0 out of 5

White Horn is a white-vein kratom leaf with points that look like horns, often called "horned leaf."

This white strain is harvested in the West Kalimantan forests in Indonesia.  The harvesters only pick horned white-vein leaves from mature kratom trees, and do not mix with any other type of leaf.

It has similar properties to White Borneo, but many believe the horned leaves give it slightly different characteristics.

Red Horn

Rated 0 out of 5
Horn strain made from kratom leaf with horn, its very rare, we found it deep of the Borneo jungle , and we must cross the river to take it, that's why the price more expensive than the other strain It is a finely ground powder of the red vein Kratom’s leaves which are carefully selected for use.

Super White Sumatera

Rated 0 out of 5

Super white Sumatera, give you a euphoric effect and energizing. The effect is almost the same as super white Borneo, but when you use this, you can see the difference between kratom growing in Sumatera and kratom growing in Borneo

Super Green Borneo

Rated 0 out of 5

Green strains are notorious for being uplifting and energizing. Drinking your greens is what we like to say here. The green strains are excellent for motivation and getting things done.